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Category Statistics
Data last updated: January 13, 2023
Addons found: 75
Newest addons: @nativescript-community/ble
Total Android addons:75
Total iOS addons:75
Addons supporting all platforms:75
Total addons authors: 34
Most proficient author: nativescript community
(with 31 addons)
Most helpful author: eddy verbruggen
(with 33 assists)

Plugin NameVersionPlatformsModifiedLicenseDownloadsStars
@abbieben/checkbox3.0.12  2022-12-15Apache-2.02,8040
This is the description for the plugin seed. This is what will be published to NPM.abbieben (abbieben07)
@abbieben/flutterwave3.0.12  2022-12-15Apache-2.02,7730
This is an easy plugin of the Flutterwave SDK for Android and iOSabbieben (abbieben07)
@abbieben/paypal3.0.12  2022-12-15Apache-2.04600
This is an easy plugin of the PayPal SDK for Android and iOSabbieben (abbieben07)
@abbieben/paystack3.0.12  2022-12-15Apache-2.01,9740
This is the description for the plugin seed. This is what will be published to NPM.abbieben (abbieben)
@abbieben/rich-text3.0.12  2022-12-15Apache-2.03,1590
This is the description for the plugin seed. This is what will be published to NPM.abbieben (abbieben07)
@abbieben/webview-interface3.0.10  2022-12-14Apache-2.02,8120
This is the description for the plugin seed. This is what will be published to NPM.abbieben (abbieben)
@alexbald/nativescript-intl4.0.2  2022-02-1626,3890
Provides API for using Native date, time and number formatting with an API similar to Intl.jsalexbald (Missing Author)
@angular-dynaform/nativescript3.0.3-alpha.0  2020-01-26MIT4,38310
angular-dynaform - NativeScriptguenter sandner (gms1)
@approov/nativescript-approov3.1.1  2022-12-28MIT3770
Approov support for NativeScript with Angular/Vue support and TLS pinning
Contributors: jexh, skiph, johannesschneiders, richard taylor, paulos.approov
critical blue ltd. (approov)
@approov/ns-approov-sdk7.0.14  2021-06-25Apache-2.02,6640
Approov SDK support for nativescript with angular/vue support and TLS pinning
Contributors: jexh, paulos.approov, johannesschneiders, skiph, richard taylor
critical blue ltd. (approov)
@benedictstrube/ui-mapbox1.2.4  2022-03-04MIT96425
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
Contributors: alex wells, eddy verbruggen
benedictstrube (nativescript-community)
@bigin/ui-persistent-bottomsheet0.0.14  2021-01-13Apache-2.03048
NativeScript plugin that allows you to easily add a persistent bottomsheet to your projects.
Contributors: tam mai, trinhnguyen1103
martin guillon (nativescript-community)
@enduco/ui-pager13.1.1  2020-10-12Apache-2.01,4470
A Carousel/Pager plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: shiva prasad, staudtp93, j4rv1s
enduco (enduco)
@iplab/ngx-l10n2.1.8  2019-01-20MIT57610
> Pure Angular localization (l10n) library.ipintar (pIvan)
@localization/l10n2.1.7  2018-07-21MIT3,42610
> Pure Angular localization (l10n) library.ipintar (pIvan)
@melonwd/nativescript-angular6.0.0  2018-06-13Apache-2.07121,211
An Angular renderer that lets you build mobile apps with NativeScript.deadenglish (NativeScript)
@nativescript-community/ble3.1.12  2023-01-08MIT13,878173
Connect to and interact with Bluetooth LE peripherals.
Contributors: rigor789, Brad Martin, sebjean, eduardo speroni, eddy verbruggen, dnr, osei fortune, martin guillon, classicoldsong, rdlabo, jcassidyav, asharghi, cjohn001, tiago alves, keerl, cvietor, Nathan Walker, mayerlench, ryan pendergast
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/geocoding3.1.0  2021-10-21Apache-2.09,4638
Provides access to native geocoding APIs for NativeScript apps (android.location.Geocoder for Android, CLGeocoder for iOS).
Contributors: martin guillon, rdlabo, eduardo speroni, mayerlench, cjohn001, dnr, Brad Martin, asharghi, jcassidyav, eddy verbruggen, cvietor, classicoldsong, Nathan Walker, keerl, rigor789, tiago alves, osei fortune, sebjean
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/l4.2.26  2022-05-10MIT3,8260
Native internationalization plugin for NativeScript using native capabilities of each platform
Contributors: rdlabo, jcassidyav, osei fortune, dnr, brendan ingham, Brad Martin, mayerlench, eddy verbruggen, keerl, eduardo speroni, tiago alves, asharghi, martin guillon, rigor789, sebjean, Nathan Walker, cjohn001, shiva prasad, classicoldsong, cvietor
nativescript community (@nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/md51.0.4  2022-08-15Apache-2.02900
NativeScript plugin for fast MD5 computation for files
Contributors: cjohn001, keerl, eddy verbruggen, sebjean, eduardo speroni, cvietor, martin guillon, Brad Martin, jcassidyav, mayerlench, classicoldsong, Nathan Walker, asharghi, dnr, tiago alves, rigor789, osei fortune, rdlabo
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/tween0.0.14  2020-11-23Apache-2.02,6506
Natively wraps tween.js, a tweening engine for easy animations, incorporating optimized Robert Penner's equations
Contributors: Brad Martin, martin guillon, keerl, jcassidyav, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, rdlabo, cvietor, eddy verbruggen, dnr, rigor789, cjohn001, Nathan Walker, tiago alves, classicoldsong, asharghi, sebjean, mayerlench
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-carto1.8.15  2022-12-01Apache-2.04,7842
NativeScript plugin for CARTO Mobile SDK
Contributors: sebjean, rigor789, Brad Martin, keerl, cvietor, dnr, Nathan Walker, rdlabo, classicoldsong, eduardo speroni, asharghi, eddy verbruggen, martin guillon, cjohn001, tiago alves, jcassidyav, osei fortune, mayerlench
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview4.0.65  2022-12-18Apache-2.020,62543
Allows you to easily add a collection view (grid list view) to your projects. Supports vertical and horizontal modes, templating, and more.
Contributors: cjohn001, cvietor, eddy verbruggen, tiago alves, Brad Martin, rigor789, mayerlench, dnr, martin guillon, keerl, rdlabo, classicoldsong, jcassidyav, sebjean, asharghi, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, Nathan Walker
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-drawer0.1.4  2022-12-16Apache-2.021,67818
Easily add a side drawer (side menu) to your projects.
Contributors: jcassidyav, mayerlench, keerl, classicoldsong, eddy verbruggen, martin guillon, sebjean, eduardo speroni, Brad Martin, osei fortune, asharghi, rdlabo, tiago alves, cjohn001, Nathan Walker, dnr, rigor789, cvietor
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-image4.3.6  2022-12-01Apache-2.019,54235
Advanced and efficient image display plugin which uses Fresco (Android) and SDWebImage (iOS) to implement caching, placeholders, image effects, and much more.
Contributors: asharghi, martin guillon, cvietor, jcassidyav, tiago alves, mayerlench, classicoldsong, sebjean, osei fortune, rdlabo, Nathan Walker, rigor789, eduardo speroni, Brad Martin, keerl, cjohn001, eddy verbruggen, dnr
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-image-colorfilter4.3.6  2022-12-01Apache-2.079535
color matrix filters for @nativescript-community/ui-image
Contributors: martin guillon, Nathan Walker, keerl, Brad Martin, cjohn001, dnr, eduardo speroni, jcassidyav, sebjean, tiago alves, rdlabo, eddy verbruggen, mayerlench, cvietor, classicoldsong, asharghi, osei fortune, rigor789
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-activityindicator7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.032,068200
Material Design Activity Indicator expresses an unspecified wait time.
Contributors: rdlabo, rigor789, sebjean, cvietor, Brad Martin, classicoldsong, mayerlench, asharghi, Nathan Walker, eddy verbruggen, cjohn001, tiago alves, dnr, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, jcassidyav, keerl, martin guillon
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-bottom-navigation7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.060,072200
Material Design Bottom Navigation bars allow movement between primary destinations in an app. Tapping on a bottom navigation icon takes you directly to the associated view or refreshes the currently active view.
Contributors: Nathan Walker, eduardo speroni, dnr, jcassidyav, rigor789, osei fortune, mayerlench, classicoldsong, rdlabo, asharghi, keerl, cjohn001, Brad Martin, tiago alves, eddy verbruggen, sebjean, cvietor, martin guillon
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-bottomnavigationbar7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.039,407200
Material Design Bottom Navigation bars allow movement between primary destinations in an app. Tapping on a bottom navigation icon takes you directly to the associated view or refreshes the currently active view.
Contributors: sebjean, keerl, dnr, rdlabo, mayerlench, eduardo speroni, classicoldsong, cvietor, rigor789, Nathan Walker, Brad Martin, asharghi, osei fortune, cjohn001, jcassidyav, eddy verbruggen, martin guillon, tiago alves
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-bottomsheet7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.069,581200
Material Design Bottom Sheets slide up from the bottom of the screen to reveal more content. Bottom sheets integrate with the app to display supporting content or present deep-linked content from other apps.
Contributors: cvietor, dnr, keerl, eddy verbruggen, tiago alves, asharghi, jcassidyav, cjohn001, mayerlench, martin guillon, Nathan Walker, rdlabo, osei fortune, sebjean, rigor789, eduardo speroni, Brad Martin, classicoldsong
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-button7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.036,160200
Material Design Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.
Contributors: mayerlench, dnr, eddy verbruggen, cjohn001, rdlabo, martin guillon, Nathan Walker, osei fortune, cvietor, eduardo speroni, tiago alves, sebjean, classicoldsong, Brad Martin, keerl, asharghi, jcassidyav, rigor789
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-cardview7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.028,896200
Material Design Cards contain content and actions about a single subject.
Contributors: dnr, eduardo speroni, osei fortune, rdlabo, mayerlench, tiago alves, keerl, classicoldsong, rigor789, Brad Martin, eddy verbruggen, Nathan Walker, cjohn001, asharghi, cvietor, martin guillon, sebjean, jcassidyav
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-dialogs7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.027,835200
Material Design Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.
Contributors: cvietor, eduardo speroni, martin guillon, tiago alves, sebjean, dnr, osei fortune, Nathan Walker, keerl, jcassidyav, rigor789, mayerlench, classicoldsong, asharghi, eddy verbruggen, rdlabo, cjohn001, Brad Martin
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-floatingactionbutton7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.024,635200
Material Design FAB performs the primary, or most common, action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content, typically as a circular shape with an icon in its center.
Contributors: mayerlench, keerl, rdlabo, sebjean, dnr, osei fortune, cvietor, Nathan Walker, classicoldsong, jcassidyav, cjohn001, martin guillon, asharghi, eduardo speroni, Brad Martin, tiago alves, eddy verbruggen, rigor789
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-progress7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.024,288200
Progress view is a linear progress indicator that implements Material Design animation and layout.
Contributors: sebjean, dnr, rigor789, cvietor, Nathan Walker, jcassidyav, eddy verbruggen, keerl, asharghi, Brad Martin, tiago alves, martin guillon, osei fortune, cjohn001, eduardo speroni, classicoldsong, mayerlench, rdlabo
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-ripple7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.046,021200
The Material Design Ripple component provides a radial action in the form of a visual ripple expanding outward from the user's touch. Ripple is a visual form of feedback for touch events providing users a clear signal that an element is being touched.
Contributors: rigor789, mayerlench, martin guillon, dnr, sebjean, cjohn001, rdlabo, Nathan Walker, jcassidyav, tiago alves, eddy verbruggen, keerl, cvietor, classicoldsong, Brad Martin, asharghi, eduardo speroni, osei fortune
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-slider7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.024,134200
Material Design Sliders allow users to make selections from a range of values.
Contributors: rigor789, Brad Martin, sebjean, eddy verbruggen, jcassidyav, dnr, rdlabo, keerl, cvietor, cjohn001, Nathan Walker, martin guillon, mayerlench, classicoldsong, tiago alves, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, asharghi
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-snackbar7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.033,712200
Material Design Snackbars provide brief messages about app processes at the bottom of the screen.
Contributors: sebjean, tiago alves, jcassidyav, classicoldsong, cvietor, cjohn001, dnr, keerl, osei fortune, Brad Martin, eddy verbruggen, eduardo speroni, rdlabo, martin guillon, Nathan Walker, asharghi, mayerlench, rigor789
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-speeddial7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.014,923200
When pressed, the Material Design component can display three to six related actions in the form of a speed dial.
Contributors: sebjean, classicoldsong, rdlabo, jcassidyav, osei fortune, asharghi, dnr, Nathan Walker, rigor789, eddy verbruggen, tiago alves, martin guillon, eduardo speroni, keerl, cvietor, Brad Martin, cjohn001, mayerlench
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-tabs7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.063,337200
Material Design Tabs organize content across different screens, data sets, and other interactions.
Contributors: rdlabo, jcassidyav, dnr, keerl, sebjean, cjohn001, eduardo speroni, asharghi, martin guillon, osei fortune, Nathan Walker, classicoldsong, mayerlench, rigor789, cvietor, Brad Martin, eddy verbruggen, tiago alves
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-textfield7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.044,029200
Material Design Text fields allow users to input text into your app.
Contributors: cjohn001, eddy verbruggen, cvietor, sebjean, dnr, mayerlench, Nathan Walker, jcassidyav, osei fortune, keerl, Brad Martin, martin guillon, rdlabo, tiago alves, classicoldsong, rigor789, asharghi, eduardo speroni
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-material-textview7.0.34  2023-01-06Apache-2.028,746200
Material Design Text views allow users to input text into your app.
Contributors: rigor789, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, dnr, Nathan Walker, martin guillon, mayerlench, cvietor, keerl, Brad Martin, eddy verbruggen, jcassidyav, classicoldsong, sebjean, rdlabo, asharghi, cjohn001, tiago alves
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-pager13.0.44  2022-12-01Apache-2.026,48814
A NativeScript Pager / Carousel component that allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data.
Contributors: cvietor, mayerlench, eduardo speroni, sebjean, keerl, cjohn001, asharghi, tiago alves, rdlabo, eddy verbruggen, martin guillon, rigor789, Nathan Walker, jcassidyav, dnr, osei fortune, classicoldsong, Brad Martin
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-persistent-bottomsheet0.0.26  2022-12-16Apache-2.06,14810
NativeScript plugin that allows you to easily add a persistent bottomsheet to your projects.
Contributors: classicoldsong, sebjean, tiago alves, cjohn001, eddy verbruggen, osei fortune, rdlabo, dnr, cvietor, Brad Martin, mayerlench, keerl, martin guillon, eduardo speroni, rigor789, jcassidyav, Nathan Walker, asharghi
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-popover0.1.5  2022-10-26Apache-2.04620
Popover plugn
Contributors: mayerlench, cvietor, asharghi, dnr, Brad Martin, eduardo speroni, jcassidyav, eddy verbruggen, sebjean, rdlabo, martin guillon, tiago alves, keerl, Nathan Walker, cjohn001, rigor789, classicoldsong, osei fortune
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-webview1.4.2  2022-09-02Apache-2.08,3285
Image caching plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: Nathan Walker, rigor789, asharghi, cjohn001, sebjean, daniel dam freiling, eddy verbruggen, Brad Martin, cvietor, classicoldsong, jcassidyav, keerl, martin guillon, rdlabo, osei fortune, eduardo speroni, dnr, mayerlench, morten sjøgren, tiago alves
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@nativescript-community/ui-zoomimage4.3.6  2022-12-01Apache-2.086035
Zoomable image view based on @nativescript-community/ui-image
Contributors: eddy verbruggen, classicoldsong, tiago alves, sebjean, eduardo speroni, dnr, cvietor, Brad Martin, mayerlench, rigor789, asharghi, osei fortune, martin guillon, Nathan Walker, cjohn001, keerl, rdlabo, jcassidyav
nativescript community (nativescript-community)
@plantimer/nativescript-auth00.2.3  2022-11-28Apache-2.01010
Plugin wrapper for Auth0. It uses InAppBrowser and SecureStorage to safely authenticate users.uderline (plantimer)
@schoolsquirrel/letter-avatar1.0.0  2020-10-18MIT2655
Generate beautiful letter avatars in your NativeScript app!
Contributors: jonathan_treffler, hrueger
schoolsquirrel-bot (SchoolSquirrel)
@triniwiz/nativescript-pager14.0.1  2022-07-17Apache-2.010,12059
A Carousel/Pager plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: nativescript
osei fortune (triniwiz)
@xmlking/nativescript-ngx-microsoftband0.1.5  2017-06-02MIT1,1000
Microsoft Band Plugin for NativeScript with Angular.xmlking (xmlking)
groceries-angular-service0.1.0  2017-05-09ISC6920
Angular Service to be used with the sample groceries projectsebastian witalec (sebawita)
nativescript-advanced-camera1.0.1  2021-03-26Apache-2.02940
Camera plugin for NativeScriptcirxe0n (CirXe0N)
nativescript-angular-xmpp3.0.0  2018-10-22Apache-2.05500
提供即时通讯基础组件husanfeng (Missing Author)
nativescript-centered-label1.0.0  2019-09-23Apache-2.02230
NativeScript plugin that provide Label that are horizontally and vertically centered.mahamat guihini (mhtghn)
nativescript-dna-deviceinfo3.7.3  2021-11-06MIT62,40913
NativeScript plugin to acquire device information.deepak arora (DeepakArora76)
nativescript-getters1.0.2  2022-10-21MIT1,89512
A NativeScript plugin that adds six new getters – in addition to the native "getViewById" method – to retrieve one or more views by tag, type, class, property, value pair or style.benjamin grand (bgrand-ch)
nativescript-l4.2.3  2020-02-21MIT1,0600
Native internationalization plugin for NativeScript using native capabilities of each platform
Contributors: brendan ingham, shiva prasad, eddy verbruggen
martin guillon (lfabreges)
nativescript-ng-bottomsheet0.0.9  2020-05-15Apache-2.01,3401
Nativescript Angular Bottom Sheet pluginnikstn (Nikstn)
nativescript-ng-ripple2.0.2  2020-08-26Apache-2.017,96110
Angular directive to enable ripple effects on touch.eduardo speroni (edusperoni)
nativescript-ng-shadow2.1.0  2017-12-31Apache-2.021,56254
Angular directive to apply shadows to native elements according to the elevation level guidelines of material design specificationberardo (Especializa)
nativescript-ng2-parallax0.1.9  2017-03-20MIT1,79918
Parallax NativeScript + Angular plugin.josh sommer (TheOriginalJosh)
nativescript-ngrx-remote-devtool1.0.0  2018-03-23MIT330
Add ngrx remote devtooljolafrite (jolafrite)
nativescript-pager12.0.0-alpha.9  2020-09-05Apache-2.073,56791
A Carousel/Pager plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: shiva prasad
osei fortune (triniwiz)
nativescript-pager-enduco13.0.1  2020-09-26Apache-2.01,7030
A Carousel/Pager plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: shiva prasad, j4rv1s, staudtp93
enduco (enduco)
nativescript-pager-without-page-indicators111.0.10  2019-10-05Apache-2.057691
A Carousel/Pager plugin for NativeScript
Contributors: shiva prasad
romandragan (triniwiz)
nativescript-plugin-google-places1.4.1  2017-09-27MIT2,5186
Choose a place using Google Place Pickertyler grinn (tylergrinn)
nativescript-plugin-lightstorage1.0.1  2019-12-15Apache-2.04111
Your awesome NativeScript plugin for small storage.olivier adou (olivierAdou)
nativescript-rater3.0.0  2021-07-13MIT11,3397
Reminds your app's users to review the app through PlayStore or AppStore. Love it, rate it!
Contributors: shiva prasad
gogoout (gogoout)
nativescript-shadowed-label1.0.0  2019-08-11Apache-2.04,46712
A NativeScript Label that supports text shadow.tiago alves (tralves)
nativescript-ssl-pinning1.1.15  2020-08-27Apache-2.02,6760
HttpModule for nativescript with angular support for ssl certificate pinning.shivang sehgal (shivang-sai)
ns-angular-jwt1.0.0  2021-03-27Apache-2.02420
JSON Web Token helper library for NS Angularslejnej (slejnej)
ns-approov-sdk7.0.0  2020-12-09Apache-2.03040
Approov SDK support for nativescript with angular support and ssl pinning.shivang8941 (Shivang8941)
ns-approov-sdk-test6.0.0  2020-12-09Apache-2.04790
Approov SDK support for nativescript with angular support and ssl pinning.shivang8941 (Shivang8941)
tns-material1.1.4  2019-03-04MIT1,3372
NativeScript Float Text Field endritvitija (endritvitija)